Wednesday, January 19, 2011

About Grammar

I learn about parts of speech, nouns and grammar. Parts of speech is the eight categories that makes the English language. These are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Before I am very confuse meaning of that. But now I'm not confuse. This time, I thought it is very important for my life because if I don't know of that, I can't talk with each other and I can't also understand of people talking about so I remember of it and also I can explain what is parts of speech to other people.

I learn about nouns. Nouns has 7 parts. these are common, proper, singular, plural, concrete, abstract and compound. Common noun is a general name of non specific for example chip and chocolate. Proper noun is always have to be capital for example Super Soomin's Blog. Compound noun is two words make up one new words which are sopping cart and playground. I most like of noun is compound noun because when i find of this noun's example, I feel interesting and fun. Singular noun is 1 which is potato. Plural noun is more than one, which is potatoes. Plural is have to be put of es or s on last of alphabet. Concrete is like common noun and it's example is everything of things. Abstract noun is names of feelings which are love, happiness, hungry and anger. I already know about that but I can't tell to other people, it means I can't explain to people. Now I can explain to each other and I also sure of that definition.

This is my classmates of presentation. It's about Grammar. It's from Google Presentation. We are often using of Google of document and presentation. I like google doc because it can be share with other people and I can chat with my classmates. When I have homework and if the homework in google doc, or presentation I can ask to my friends and I also can't answer of questions or I don't understand meaning of questions my friends can help me or they answer of that questions.

I like Flickr site because this site can find many image and my images are all from Flickr. Flickr has lots of picture but Google also has lots of picture however I use Flickr because Google has lots of picture but 50% of images are copy right. We can not use that picture. Flickr also has copy right but we click of setting folder and click the "only search within Creative Commons-licensed content"and "find content to modify, adapt, or build upon". And then we can find only create common so it's useful for me.

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